18.08.2022, Polen, Stettin: Feuerwehrleute arbeiten an der Bergung toter Fische aus der Oder. Seit mehren Tagen beschäftigt das massive Fischsterben im Fluss Oder die Behörden und Anwohner des Flusses in Deutschland und Polen. Foto: Jerzy Muszynski/PAP/dpa +++ dpa-Bildfunk +++

The EU Commission is pushing for results in the investigations into fish deaths in the Oder. “It is extremely important and urgent to determine the cause and take the appropriate measures downstream,” said a spokesman for the Brussels authority on Thursday.

The Commission is extremely concerned about the environmental disaster which has resulted in around 100 tonnes of dead fish so far. According to the spokesman, the Commission welcomes the use of a joint German-Polish group of experts to work together on the investigation.

Brussels said it was willing to send its own experts to work with the group. “The sooner we can determine the cause of this ecological catastrophe, the sooner we can begin to manage and limit the wider impacts on nature, fisheries, agriculture and recreation,” the spokesman said.

The cause of the environmental catastrophe is still unclear. The Polish government announced on Tuesday evening that no toxic substances that could have caused the fish kill had been discovered in the water samples examined.