Dr. Jaime Fergie, head of the Infectious Disease Department at DCH, said Corpus Christi was a part of the clinical trials for this age group.

Driscoll Children’s Hospital health officials are available to assist with the CDC’s decision to hold special vaccine clinics for children.

It is possible to make a decision as soon as Monday.

Dr. Jaime Fergie, head of the Infectious Disease Department at DCH, said that the hospital is thrilled to receive the vaccine.

Fergie stated, “We are very excited and looking forward to the pharmacist, family doctors, and pediatricians joining together to protect our children.”

Fergie also stated that the doses for children would be one-third of what is given to teenagers and adults. 3News was informed by Fergie that the DCH in Corpus Christi was part the clinical trial for this age group.

“One of the participating sites, both national and international. Fergie stated, “I wanted to thank our patients and their families for participating and we are now where we are today because of their efforts.”

Fergie stated that they are also currently working on a clinical trial for children aged six months to five.

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