The ECB is expected to cut its key interest rate in June. The interest rate on overnight money is already melting. But one bank is now even offering 4.01 percent – guaranteed for four months. You can find further offers in the daily money comparison from FOCUS online.
The European Central Bank’s board of directors has indicated it will cut interest rates at its next meeting on June 6th. It is currently 4.5 percent. Banks in the euro area borrow fresh money from the ECB at this interest rate. The institution’s goal is to achieve an inflation rate of two percent again. For April 2024, with an inflation rate of 2.2 percent in Germany, it is already very close. Accordingly, financial institutions are slowly adjusting their daily interest rates downwards. Several banks are currently offering 3.8 percent on overnight deposits. But now the Dutch bank Bunq is even topping this figure.
Bunq from the Netherlands has been offering new customers a daily interest rate of 4.01 percent per annum since May 7th, guaranteed for the first four months. The interest rate then drops to 1.56 percent p.a. The offer is valid for an investment amount of a maximum of 100,000 euros, and the interest is credited monthly.
The Bunq daily money account is called Easy Savings and is free. Important: Money can be withdrawn twice a month from the so-called Savings Account. If you move a sum from one savings account to another sub-account within the Bunq app, there are no regulations. The fintech falls under the Dutch deposit insurance scheme.
Open a daily money account with Bunq now
Openbank, a digital bank from the Spanish Santander Group, guarantees its interest rate of 3.8 percent for a full six months. The offer is valid for deposits of up to one million euros. Since the credit is made monthly, this results in a compound interest effect over the investment period. After the guarantee expires, an interest rate of 2.8 percent applies. Important: The daily money account is linked to a checking account.
Open a current account with Openbank here
Suresse Direkt Bank offers a daily interest rate of 3.80 percent. The Belgian subsidiary of the Spanish Santander bank pays the percentage on deposits of up to 250,000 euros with a six-month interest guarantee. Payment is made monthly. In addition, from the seventh month onwards, a variable interest rate applies to existing customers, which is currently 2.8 percent and is also very good.
Take out daily money with Suresse Direkt Bank now
The Swedish TF Bank pays new customers 3.8 percent daily interest for three months and for deposits of up to 100,000 euros. For existing customers and after the promotional period has expired, the current standard interest rate of 1.45 percent per annum applies. The interest is credited monthly to the current account. Good: The application process is now completely digitalized.
Open a current account with TF Bank here
wiLLBe is the name of the investment app from the Liechtensteinische Landesbank. It offers variable daily interest rates of 3.8 percent for deposits of up to 50,000 euros. Amounts above this amount up to 150,000 euros attract interest at 3.5 percent per annum; higher deposits receive 0.25 percent. The interest is credited quarterly. If you want, you can also invest your savings in Swiss francs or US dollars. Deposits are secured up to 100,000 Swiss francs.
Invest daily money with wiLLBe now
Bank11 offers new customers 3.75 percent daily interest rates per annum until July 31, 2024. Sums of up to 250,000 euros are accepted at this rate. According to the offer, 3.0 percent interest per annum will be offered until further notice. The institute charges interest on deposits over 250,000 euros at 0.05 percent. Interest is paid annually.
Open a current account at Bank11 now
Another German financial institution follows, Consorsbank. The Nurembergers give 3.75 percent interest with quarterly distributions. The interest is guaranteed for five months. The offer applies to deposits of up to 1,000,000 euros, beyond which there is one percent interest. The German deposit insurance applies. When you open a daily money account, you get a free securities account including a clearing account, no savings plan fees for twelve months and €0.95 per order for twelve months via the Tradegate trading platform.
Open a current account with Consorsbank here
Advanzia Bank is now advertising 3.7 percent daily interest rates, guaranteed for three months. The financial institution credits the interest monthly and therefore advertises an effective interest rate of 3.76 percent. The offer is only valid for new customers until May 31, 2024 and a minimum investment of 5,000 euros is required. For existing customers and after the promotional period, the current standard interest rate of currently 2.12 percent effective per annum applies. Advanzia is based in Luxembourg, where customer deposits are protected with a deposit guarantee of 100,000 euros per person.
Open a current account with Advanzia Bank now
The best daily money account from Stellantis Direktbank offers new customers a guaranteed 3.7 percent for three months. It does not require a minimum deposit and allows deposits up to 100,000 euros. Interest is paid monthly and deposits are available daily. Account management is free of charge and can be opened using either VideoIdent or PostIdent. After the guarantee period has expired or for investment amounts over 100,000 euros, a variable interest rate of 1.5 percent per annum applies. The French deposit protection scheme also applies here. In addition to the banking arm, the umbrella of the car company Stellantis includes such well-known vehicle brands as Fiat, Peugeot, Opel, Citroën, Maserati, Alfa Romeo, Lancia and Chrysler.
Open a current account with Stellantis Direktbank here
The German branch of Barclays offers 3.6 percent – with German deposit protection and a three-month interest guarantee. The offer applies to deposits up to 250,000 euros; beyond that and after the guarantee expires, a variable interest rate of 1.2 percent per annum applies. The interest is credited annually.
Open a current account with Barclays here
The Opel Direktbank has reduced the interest on its current account to a rate of 3.6 percent per annum for new customers. This interest rate is guaranteed for a period of 3 months. After this guarantee period expires, a variable interest rate of 1.50 percent applies. The current account allows deposits of up to one million euros and offers monthly interest payments. The deposits can be accessed at any time and account management is free of charge. It is important to note that opening an account is only possible via PostIdent. A new customer is defined as someone who has not had a current account with Opel Direktbank in the last 24 months before opening the account. The guaranteed interest rate for new customers applies from the time the account is opened online. The French deposit insurance applies up to 100,000 euros.
Open a current account with Opel Direktbank here
Another good offer for daily interest rates comes directly from Renault Bank. The French financial institution offers 3.6 percent interest with monthly interest credits. The top interest rate at Renault applies to deposits of up to 250,000 euros, and the interest guarantee is limited to three months. Over 250,000 euros in deposits there is 2.15 percent. The variable interest rates for existing customers have changed slightly: Without a valid interest rate guarantee, existing customers continue to receive a variable interest rate of 2.80 percent per annum for every cent up to 250,000 euros; an interest rate of 2.15 percent applies to credit balances above that.
Take out a current account with Renault Bank directly here
The Quickborner Bank Comdirect guarantees new customers 3.5 percent daily interest, but in combination with opening a current account. There is also a bonus of 75 euros until May 27, 2024, and the promotional interest rate is fixed for three months. Under certain conditions, the current account is free, for example from 700 euros per month onwards. If you only want to open a daily money account with Comdirect, you will receive 3.25 percent daily money interest per annum for three months. For both offers, the interest applies to a maximum investment volume of one million euros. There is no minimum investment amount; interest is paid at the end of the quarter. After the promotional period and for deposits over one million euros, the standard interest rate of currently 0.75 percent applies. Contrary to what is sometimes advertised, maintaining the Tagesgeld-Plus account is permanently free.
Open a daily money account with Comdirect here
Open a checking account with Comdirect here
Santander’s German branch now pays 3.5 percent for daily deposits. There is an interest guarantee of six months with monthly interest credits. After the first six months, the applicable variable daily interest rate applies; it is currently 0.3 percent. The so-called “money management account” is credited monthly, so that a slight compound interest effect occurs. The German deposit insurance applies and there is no minimum or maximum investment volume. The offer is aimed at new and existing customers who have not had a current account with Santander in the last six months.
Open a current account with Santander here
Ford Money is back with 3.4 percent daily interest rate for three months. The product is only available at this rate for new customers; the variable conditions of currently 2.8 percent per annum apply after the daily money offer expires and for existing customers. A maximum of one million euros can be invested. Ford Money is a brand of the German Ford Bank and is therefore subject to German deposit insurance.
Open a current account with Ford Money here
Another offer for daily money comes from Volkswagen Financial Services. From now on, the German automobile manufacturer’s bank is offering its customers 3.4 percent interest, with a monthly payment, guaranteed for six months and with no limit on the amount. After the guarantee expires, VW’s bank charges interest at the current existing customer interest rate of 1.3 percent.
Open a current account with Volkswagen Financial Services here
The Raiffeisenbank im Hochtaunus (My Bank) currently offers 3.35 percent daily interest rates for six months and on deposits of up to 100,000 euros. The current standard interest rate of currently 2.5 percent p.a. applies to existing customers and after the end of the promotional period. The interest is credited annually to the current account.
Open a current account with Raiffeisenbank in Hochtaunus here
ING, Germany’s largest direct bank, is now offering 3.3 percent on daily deposits, guaranteed for 6 months. The offer applies to new customers who open their first daily money account (called “extra account” at ING), as well as existing customers who have not previously had a daily money account with ING. ING’s daily money offer is now valid for deposits of up to 250,000 euros; beyond that and after the guarantee period has expired, the variable interest rate of 1.25 percent per annum applies. Interest is credited annually at ING.
Open a daily money account with ING here
1822direkt, a subsidiary of Frankfurter Sparkasse, now offers 3.3 percent interest per annum on daily money, valid for six months from the account opening and for an investment amount of up to 250,000 euros. After half a year, the base interest rate of currently 0.60 percent interest per annum applies to 1822direkt customers. The offer is aimed at new customers and the interest is paid annually.
Open a current account with 1822direkt here
Also the J
Here daily money account with J
At Targobank there is 3.25 percent interest, valid for six months. The promotion is valid for amounts up to one million euros. Above the amount and after the offer period, a variable interest rate of 0.6 percent will be switched to. It is paid out annually. When opening, a free clearing account is created for technical reasons; the daily allowance can be claimed from the age of 14.
Open a current account with Targobank here
Commerzbank offers a variable daily interest rate of 3.0 percent for a product term of twelve months and an investment amount of up to one million euros. Closing and interest payment take place in each calendar quarter and at the end of the product term. The advertised top interest account then becomes a normal daily money account with an interest rate of currently 0.75 percent per annum and quarterly payment. The offer applies to both new and existing customers, but only for fresh money.
Open a current account with Commerzbank now
C24 Bank, a subsidiary of Check24, offers 3.0 percent on daily money. The interest rate applies until further notice for deposits of up to 100,000 euros for new and existing customers and is paid out monthly. If you want to invest daily money with C24, you must first open a checking account. Only then is it possible to add a daily money account, called a “daily money pocket” at C24. The current account including Mastercard and, if desired, Girocard is unconditionally free and offers 2.5 percent interest per annum on a balance of up to 50,000 euros with quarterly payment.
Open a daily money account with C24 Bank now
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In a field that is so close together, it is worth taking a look at the exact conditions: Opel Bank offers a nine-month guarantee, which is the longest guarantee period in the entire daily money comparison. ING, 1822direkt, Advanzia, Comdirect, Commerzbank, Consorsbank, Openbank, Santander, Suresse, Targobank, Volkswagen and 1822 Direkt guarantee their promotional interest rates for six months. At Bunq and TF Bank it is four months. Renault offers a three-month warranty.
Advanzia, bunq, J
Comdirect, Commerzbank and Consors pay interest quarterly, while 1822direkt, Bank11, Bank of Scotland, Barclays, IKB, ING and Targobank only pay interest once a year.
One thing should be made clear: your money is safe at all of the top banks in the FOCUS online daily money comparison.
For Advanzia and Renault, the states of Luxembourg and France are liable for credits of up to 100,000 euros in accordance with EU guidelines. Both countries have very good credit ratings, so they could definitely pay out investors in the event of bankruptcy. Attention: The Opel Bank is also subject to the French deposit insurance, because Opel has been part of the French PSA group (Citroën, Peugeot) since 2017. In the case of Suresse Direkt and Openbank, the Spanish state is responsible for deposits of up to 100,000 euros, in the case of TF Bank, Sweden steps in with the same amount, and in the case of the Czech J
In contrast, 1822direkt, Bank11, Barclays, Comdirect, Commerzbank, Consorsbank, ING, Targobank, Volkswagen and also the German branch of Banco Santander also score points with German deposit protection. It is not only limited to the EU-wide requirement of 100,000 euros, but is supplemented by the deposit protection fund of the Federal Association of German Banks (BdB), which theoretically protects deposits amounting to millions.
The German deposit insurance also applies to the Bank of Scotland, but only up to 100,000 euros per customer.
Often new customers can only make the most of these interest rates to a limited extent. 1822direkt, TF Bank, Openbank and Bunq limit their top interest rates to balances of up to 100,000 euros, IKB, ING and Volkswagen even limit the balances earning interest at the promotional interest rate to just 50,000 euros. Comdirect, Consorsbank, Santander, Suresse, Targobank, Opel and Advanzia, on the other hand, accept customer deposits of up to one million euros at the promotional interest rate, although these amounts are above the deposit protection applicable there. Commerzbank even accepts sums of up to ten million euros. Bank11, Barclays and Renault Bank accept up to 250,000 euros from new customers, the J
Higher balances that exceed these amounts attract lower interest at all banks.
You can find all the details about the daily money leaders in the daily money comparison from FOCUS online.
Direct brokers such as Scalable Capital and Trade Republic have recently started offering a completely new alternative to overnight money. The smartphone broker Trade Republic pays interest on balances in its clearing accounts at four percent up to a sum of 50,000 euros. This applies to new and existing customers. Of course, the Berliners rely on customers only depositing their money there for a short period of time before buying securities with it. New to the offer is a Visa debit card with which you receive one percent cashback on every purchase, which is reinvested directly into a savings plan.
Invest money now at Trade Republic starting from 1 euro
The interest rate on the Cashplus account from Unitplus is subject to completely different rules: 3.98 percent interest without a call money account sounds tempting. The offer differs from others in that customers with the Cashplus account are de facto investing in a money market fund, which currently yields a return of 3.98 percent. With money market funds, investments are made in time deposits with terms of up to 12 months and in bonds instead of stocks. Since the bonds are due to be repaid shortly, the influence of interest rate changes on the return is minimal. Great: If the base interest rates continue to rise, the interest rate on Cashplus will also rise. The highlight: The interest gain can be redeemed as hard cash directly when making a purchase using the associated Mastercard debit card, and there is also 0.1 percent cashback on card transactions. Disadvantage: Unitplus charges 0.6 percent of the investment amount annually as costs, which reduces the interest accordingly. There is also no deposit protection like with savings accounts.
Click here for the UnitPlus offer
Originally started as a robo-advisor, Scalable Capital now also offers stock trading at favorable conditions. Now comes the attack on the current account: The Munich-based company offers new customers 4.0 percent interest per annum for four months and a deposit of up to one million euros, after which the standard conditions of 2.6 percent apply for up to 100,000 euros. The latter conditions also apply to existing customers. Scalable Capital pays the interest rate to its users via Baader Bank.
However, the offer is linked to a Prime account, which costs 4.99 euros per month. Prime includes an unlimited trading flat rate for stocks, ETFs, funds and derivatives, including ETF savings plans and additional features such as the free setting of price alerts.
Scalable is particularly recommended for customers who plan to take out at least one ETF savings plan anyway.
Open a free account with Scalable Capital now
Compare broker daily money directly here
Existing customers currently have J
ING is another direct bank that has raised the interest rate for existing customers to 1.25 percent. Commerzbank raised its existing customer interest rate to 0.6 percent in April, while at Comdirect it rose from 0.5 to the current 0.75 percent. Existing Consorsbank customers receive 1.0 percent, Targobank users receive 0.6 percent interest on their daily money, as do 1822direkt customers.
Postbank increases the interest on the current account to 1.0 percent. The new conditions for daily money apply to both existing customers and new customers. At Openbank there is 3.0 percent interest for existing customers if monthly cash receipts can be shown in the linked checking account, otherwise it is 1.0 percent. Opelbank is offering 1.5 percent for existing customers and new customers after the current interest rate campaign.
You don’t like the short-term daily interest rates? Then take a look at our fixed-term deposit comparison. European banks there offer interest rates of up to 3.65 percent for a one-year term.
The best fixed-term deposit offer from a bank with German deposit insurance for a term of twelve months comes from Akbank with 3.45 percent.