"Comrade Artyom": the mystery of the death of the red Punisher

Another 24/01/20 “Comrade Artyom”: the mystery of the death of the red Punisher

he waited for a brilliant party career in Moscow – after all, he was one of the few who could call himself a close friend of Joseph Stalin. However ardent revolutionary Fyodor Sergeyev, known in history under the party name “comrade Artyom”, did not live to see the end of the Civil war.

the Beginning of the path

the Son of a building contractor from the province of Kursk, Fedor Sergeev graduated from high school, and in 1901 he continued his studies at the Imperial Moscow technical school. However, in the same year, 18-year-old student joined the party of the RSDLP, and the following year for the first time went to jail for participating in demonstrations. During the revolution of 1905 Sergeyev headed a major revolt in Kharkov, which was suppressed. In 1906, at the IV Congress of the RSDLP, he first met with Stalin.
for several years, the revolutionary was engaged in party work in different cities of the European part of Russia, until in 1909 the authorities sent him to Siberia. From there, the young man fled abroad. Sergeyev visited Japan, Korea, China, and Australia, everywhere advocating Marxist ideas.

Participation in the Civil war

after Returning to Russia in 1917, “comrade Artyom” included in the work of the Bolshevik party in Kharkov. Then resumed his close contacts with the future “father of Nations”.
In early 1918 Fyodor Sergeyev stood at the head of the Donetsk-Krivoy Rog Soviet Republic – a unique territorial unit, created on a national basis, like other Soviet republics, and, as stated by the Bolsheviks, “on the specifics of cost-economic life”. However, soon these areas were occupied by the Germans. In the Civil war, “comrade Artyom” led many of the activities, in particular, was the head of the military division of the Provisional workers-peasants government of Ukraine.

Red Punisher

Charismatic and intellHenty, Fedor Sergeev still left a bad memory in many places, in particular, in Bashkiria. In February 1920, it raised the revolt against the Soviet power, which was called “the Revolt of the black eagle”. Bashkir farmers first rebelled against the surplus, but gradually the movement also received a religious character. Muslim leaders blessed the faithful to Jihad against the godless regime.
To quell the rebellion in Bashkiria was sent about 7 thousand soldiers. “Comrade Artyom” led the operation as a Commissioner of the Commission for the Bashkir ASSR. According to modern historians, the village literally drowned in blood.
– the Rebellion was crushed ruthlessly. According to official figures, the loss of the rebels amounted to more than 3 thousand people killed and wounded. The ratio of losses of the Soviet troops and the rebels was 1:10 or more, the researchers write Peter Aleshkin and Yuri Vasiliev.

the Death of

24 July 1921 Fyodor Sergeyev participated in the test aerovion – trolley screw, set designer Valerian Bakowski. It is unique for those times the vehicle was capable of speeds up to 140 km/h On the road from Tula to Moscow, under the Serpukhov, eurowagon flew downhill. Along with a prominent Bolshevik killed his foreign colleagues in the Communist movement – Oscar Gelbrich from Germany, John Freeman from Australia and four others.
the accident still raises many questions. For example, according to one version, in the way of eurowagon someone deliberately piled a heap of stones. It is not excluded that the accident was rigged by order of Trotsky’s political opponent “comrade Artyom”. It was thought that the international Union of miners, which was created by Fyodor Sergeyev, should weaken the influence of Trotsky. However, according to the official version, a revolutionary killed because of the bad condition of the path and Troubleshooting the design of the car.
Son of the deceased, Artem Sergeev, born in PAru months before the death of his father, took care of Joseph Stalin – it was the will of his colleague. Subsequently, the adopted son of Stalin rose to the rank of major General and held a high command positions.

Timur Sagdiyev

© Russian Seven

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