The coalition is examining the elimination of VAT on the planned state gas surcharge. The spokesman on energy policy for the FDP parliamentary group, Michael Kruse, told the German Press Agency on Wednesday after a special session of the Bundestag’s energy and climate committee. “The levy must not be a basis for further tax revenue. That’s why it’s currently being checked whether the VAT can be applied to the levy,” said Kruse.
“If this is not technically possible, it is clear to me that the additional government revenue must be returned to consumers together with further relief,” says Kruse.
There are also legal problems with the implementation of the gas surcharge. Specifically, the question is whether customers with fixed-price contracts have to pay the levy. A spokesman for Economics Minister Robert Habeck (Greens) spoke on Wednesday of a detail that had to be clarified.
The state gas levy is to be introduced in October for companies and private households. It is intended to benefit gas suppliers who have to buy replacements for missing, cheaper gas volumes from Russia at high prices.