Another 08/01/20 Children of bin Laden: what happened to the heirs of the most dangerous terrorist
As you know, the terrorist № 1 Osama bin Laden, which also took responsibility for the tragedy of September 11, 2001, has been eliminated 9 years ago. According to various estimates, from 4 well-known stories of wives bin Laden had left him with more than 20 heirs. Some of them stripped the fate of the father, the other is still alive.
the Sons of the living
The eldest son of a terrorist father is Abdullah bin Laden. According to the results of the investigation of the independent American journalist Greg Palast, in the 80-ies Abdullah settled in the city of Annandale, Virginia. Later, the heir to bin Laden moved to Saudi Arabia where he still lives today. In the largest sea port of Jeddah, he runs his own business.
At the time, along with Abdullah, according to the same Greg Palast in the U.S. he is also one of the eldest sons of the terrorist Omar. In 2008, Omar allegedly was not involved in terrorist activities, filed a petition for political asylum in Spain, but the authorities refused him. Therefore he himself and his family had to settle in Saudi Arabia. Both brothers, however, as other relatives of the terrorist are under the strict control of the local authorities.
…and the dead
Saad bin Laden, the third oldest son of Osama bin Laden, was determined to follow in the footsteps of his father. He even held a certain position in a known terrorist organization. However, the plans of Saad and his parents did not come true. In July 2009, bin Laden the younger was destroyed in a RAID by U.S. drones.
After the death of Saad bin Laden made his receiver of another son, Hamza. At the age of 16 years, Hamza has performed with such daunting threats that it was nicknamed the “crown Prince of terror.” Meanwhile, to live he was only 6 years old. In 2011 year Hamza was killed during a routine RAID of the US Navy. Although, it is worth noting that not all believe in it. There is a theory that Hamza is still alive.
Some believe that, together with the Hamza was killed and his younger brother Khalid. Although there are indications that Khalid has eliminated much earlier: it was destroyed on the same day as his father. At least, so says American commando Robert O’neill who wrote about this, a book called “Mechanic”.
as for some of the daughters of Osama bin Laden, some of them, however, as the widows of terrorist living in Pakistan, accused of illegally staying in the country for more than 10 years. After a brief arrest, they were deported to Saudi Arabia. After a while some of the female half of the family of Osama bin Laden settled in Iran. Nevertheless, the authorities of both countries is closely watched not only for the above mentioned sons of bin Laden, but also for his daughters and ex-spouses.
Yulia Popova
© Russian Seven
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