Crime 29/11/19 Cherkas: how the hero of the war changed the criminal world in the Soviet Union
the Thieves the law prohibits representatives of the criminal world to cooperate with authorities in any form. However, in the years of the great Patriotic war, some adherents of the idea of thieves after all, defending their Homeland with weapons in their hands. Kingpin Anatoly Cherkasov named Cherkas long concealed from the criminal world his military background, though he was proud.
Start to life Cherkas covered with darkness. In 1941, the native village of HREM’yachka Rostov region was 17. Whether he had already connections with the underworld, is unknown. The General-the Lieutenant of militia Alexander Gurov claimed in an interview that Cherkasov fought in the penalty the company and allegedly even took Berlin. However, these data have been criticized as unreliable. Writes on the website primecrime Alexander Polishchuk, Cherkas in 1942 recorded in the guard – the elite of the red army. It is unlikely this could happen if the fighter was taken to the front of the camp.
Anatoly Cherkasov was fighting with all of Ukraine and Belarus, he leads guards artillery destroyed a lot of targets. In the database “feat of the people” indicates that the first medal “For courage” Cherkasov received 5 December 1943. In the award document States that under strong enemy fire and in conditions of poor visibility guardsman managed to establish a connection with the command of a rifle company. Thanks to the clarification of purpose that made the future crime boss, “was scattered a company of infantry of the enemy.” A second similar medal went to Cherkasov in October 1944.
Also, our hero received during the service two of the order of Glory II and III degree. One of them went to Junior Sergeant of the guard at the end of the war, in March 1945. By this time he was promoted already to the commander of the Department of intelligence 7th battery 214-th guards howitzer artillery regiment 8th guards howitzer artilleriesth Vilnius red banner brigade RGC. The title is called, speaks for itself. Near the village of gross-Laut in the liberation of East Prussia Cherkasov was wounded in the chest but refused to be evacuated.
After the war Cherkasy was re-established contacts with the underworld, although it was risky for him. Largely because of soldiers like Cherkas, which Varlam Shalamov identified with the “Polish thieves”, in the Gulag started a bitch war, to put thieves on the brink of destruction. However, Cherkas, apparently, these events are not touched. It is mentioned as one of the most influential lawyers of the post-Stalin time, the opinion which weighed the same as the word of the Vladimir Babushkin (washi Diamond) or Alexandra Legless (Spark). This can be explained by the history provided in the book of the researcher of the criminal world Alexander Kuchinsky “Criminals and crimes”
“In 1950-ies on a regular thieves’ meeting one of the authorities suddenly announced that among those present is the gentleman of orders of Glory. The thieves even confused, so unusual was a statement. Asked to name a nickname. “Let himself be called,” replied the thief. Charges of this kind very seriously, because he plusvalia still cheating. The lawyer needs to prove the accusation otherwise it will be regarded as an insult.<...> Thief Anatoly Cherkasov admitted sinners, they say, protect the country, awarded for bravery. “Just for bravery, ruff not persecute?”, asked the lads. – “Do not drive”. Criminal sanctions are not followed. Proposed “strike the ear”, that is, demoted from office the thieves, but then decided to let go of Cherkas with the world. Zapadlo-that in fact was not.”
On the influence of Cherkasova is the fact that in 1970-ies it was his submission, as they say, thieves began to take tribute from “tsehovikov” and to establish contacts with corrupt officials is subsequently played a huge role in spreading the influence of crime in the post-Soviet era.
anyway, for the citizens of Russia, not dividing the thieves ‘ ideology, the military exploits of Cherkas are more important than his role in the underworld. He died a veteran of the great Patriotic war Anatoly Cherkasov in 1990-m to year.
Timur Sagdiyev
© Russian Seven
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