History 04/01/20 Case Marinescu: what is the best submariner USSR planted for 3 years
About the so-called “attack century”, carried out under the command of Alexander Marinesko, which was sunk by the German ship “Wilhelm Gustloff”, certainly known to many. But the fact that the former captain of the submarine spent a few years living in places not so remote, few people know. Moreover, according to some biographers, Marinesco simply framed.
a conflict with the Director of hotcast
Immediately after the war, Alexander Marinesko had worked as a senior assistant of the captain on dry cargo ships of the Baltic shipping company. However, in 1949 he decided to radically change his life and took a job as a Deputy Director of the economic Institute of blood transfusion in Leningrad. Relationship with the chief by the name kucharczyk from Marinesko did not work almost immediately. According to Vyacheslav Zvyagintsev, the author of the book “War on the scales of Themis,” kucharczyk hinted to the ex-submariner that is going to build a cottage at public expense. However, Marinesko to participate in this matter had refused.
kucharczyk harbored resentment and began to wait for the proper time in order to resolve intractable colleague. According to Zvyagintsev, once Marinesco noticed that the Institute yard littered with decommissioned peat briquettes destined for a local boiler. To eliminate landfill Alexander distributed the briquettes to my colleagues. According to Oleg Smyslov in the publication of “Worldly truth of the war”, later in his autobiography, Marinesco pointed out that the author of the denunciation of it became the same kucharczyk. However, peat briquettes Marinesko in the document did not mention, saying only that kucharczyk wrote about the friendship between a former captain and Secretary of the Communist Nikitin convicted in the so-called “Leningrad case”.
Not only peat briquettes
in reality, However, the “Leningrad affair” in the materials relating to Alexander Marinesko, was not mentioned. Yes and peat briquettes were not the only “misconduct” Marinesko. At least, Vladimir Boyko in his book “Marinesko Alexander” States that Alexander Ivanovich was also charged with the assignment of beds value 543 of the ruble, which belonged to the Institute of blood transfusion, and 3 absenteeism without good reason, committed in November 1949. The latest accusation may seem strange, but then, according to the June 1940 decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, the criminal prosecution was exposed to all who self-willedally left a place of work.
Therefore, the most serious indictment of the submariner can be considered is referred to the truancy. The fact that the story of peat briquettes and really could be a setup a shot on target.. And bed, according to the employee of the Institute, are given in the book of Alexander Crown “Captain”, was also written off. On the piece of furniture even had a special tag. If Marinesko would like to take possession of the bed for good and to hide this fact, he would have simply ripped off the tag. However, he did not. But with the truancy case was much more complicated.
the Strangeness of the case Marinesco
In particular the authors of the publication “No1 Submariner Alexander Marinesko” Miroslav Morozov, Alexander Suisun and Victor Ivaschenko wonder why Marinesko was not looking for a another job and not quit immediately after a conflict with a shot on target., from which in connection with the hints about giving shouldn’t expect anything good? Plus, as the authors of the book, usually a slave, which has no relations with management, trying to tread carefully. However, Alexander Ivanovich, on the contrary, allowed myself three times to be absent from work, and in the same month.
in addition, Marinesco, who was convicted of the above mentioned episodes at 3 years of imprisonment, returned home early not because he was cleared of all charges. AlexNDRA Marinesco, serving a sentence in Vanino December 1949, in his own words October 10, 1951, under escort brought to Moscow. Priodevshis in the capital, Marinesko finally went to Leningrad. This weird stop in Moscow and an early release of a former submarine captain Alexander Osokin, the author of “the great mystery of the Great Patriotic war” connects with advice that Marinesko could give certain authorities initiated at that time underwater operations to search for a vessel “Wilhelm Gustloff”.
Yulia Popova
© Russian Seven
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