Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) has again defended his course on arms deliveries to Ukraine against criticism. “We deliver what is needed and helps,” Scholz told the “Münchner Merkur” (Monday edition). “And we are moving in line with our most important and closest allies.”
Addressing his critics, the chancellor said: “A lot of what is being said in this country is simply not true.” Some also underestimated the complexity. “If we deliver state-of-the-art weapon systems such as self-propelled howitzers or complex anti-aircraft systems, the soldiers also have to be well trained, otherwise these weapons are ineffective.”
In addition, the appropriate ammunition must first be organized for some systems, Scholz said. “Anyone who thinks that weapons of war are available like cars from dealers is wrong.” Regarding the criticism of him, he said: “But I will not be dissuaded from a level-headed course.” He was also chosen because people believed him “that I would keep my nerve”. (AFP)
Putin seems afraid that the spark of democracy could spread to his country. He wants a divided Europe and a return to a policy of zones of influence. He won’t be able to do that.
Italy has struck a multi-billion dollar deal with Qatar in its search for alternatives to Russian gas. The state-owned energy supplier Eni announced a partnership with QatarEnergy on a large LNG project on Sunday. The two groups founded a company that will hold 12.5 percent of the North Field East (NFE) expansion project. This is intended to increase the export of liquid gas from the Arab country from the current 77 to 110 million tons per year.
The term of the cooperation is 27 years. In the so-called joint venture, Eni will hold 25 percent of the shares, the rest belongs to QatarEnergy. Before Eni, the Gulf state had already concluded a similar agreement with the French energy company Totalenergies.