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the UK has done what no one thought possible. With stubborn intransigence, the British and the EU have shown the finger. No chance? Unrealistic in a global world, in a small country like the UK hard, all alone, without the need for complicated contracts with and concessions to its neighbours prosper? The proud UK resistance-makers to the many Concerns and smashed with a string cut the Gordian knot of modern complexity. Brexit means Brexit.

Two years later, the impossibility of this exemption has shock caught up with the British government. While Theresa May train to train trying to lead the country into an ugly, unloved compromise with the reality, the proponents of a hard cut with the EU to your romantic freedom to dream. Men like the arch-conservative MP Jacob Rees-Mogg, secure in the consciousness of the inherited foreign-invested capital, affirm: Everything is possible, if only the UK was losing its courage and as confident as confident of a bright, independent future.

The British Prime Minister, Theresa May, and the President of the Commission Jean-Claude Juncker © John Thys/AFP/

which brings up the hard Brexiter against the EU, is the variety of laws and regulations, to ensure in Europe for comparable social and economic conditions. The Australian PR Guru Lynton Crosby for the Leave-campaign-designed Slogan “Take back control” (“control gain”) brought this resentment to the point, and found so many of the British owned. The hard Brexiteers not want to win back national control, they want the country and its economy as far as possible from each of the constricting supervision free. The state, the Brexiter for a EU-ties liberated the UK, decided to economic liberal.

Although the advocates of a tough section with the EU have presented until today, no coherent design for the future of the UK – which especially explains why Theresa May, despite numerous catastrophic errors, misjudgements and u-turns is still in office. Where, however, Brexiter published their idea of a splitter, they showed up consistently as the champion of the minimal state and maximum competition. Short attracted attention ideas, the polemical and not entirely accurate – “Singapore-on-Thames” were baptized. After Brexit, as of 2017, Chancellor of the exchequer, Philip Hammond, announced in January that the UK could make it through aggressive deregulation, the former EU partners sharp competition. Hammond is not a Brexit-ideologues, his proposal quickly disappeared back into the woodwork, after critics noted the obvious disadvantages for UK workers and consumers.

The Brexit-ideologues that is not daunted, however. Liam Fox, the mostly-forgotten British trade Minister, is planning the removal of annoying Standards for food, to be able to new trade agreements with the United States to complete. “Better” rules for the economy are among the main concerns of the Jacob Rees-Mogg-led European Research Group. Rees-Mogg proposes to eliminate import duties or reduce to a Minimum, to boost the trade with the wide world beyond the EU. British consumers, he lures could be shopping, thanks to cheaper imports cheaper. That at the same time, British farmers and producers in the more competitive could not be grown, in the ideology of the competition.