Bushido is happy about the honorary sponsorship of the Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier for his triplet daughters who were born in November. “Today the Federal President took over the honorary sponsorship for our triplets. Thanks to the deputy district mayor for the nice reception,” wrote the 43-year-old in his Instagram story on Tuesday.
He also shared a photo of himself, his wife Anna-Maria Ferchichi and their three daughters together with Cerstin Richter-Kotowski (CDU), deputy district mayor in the Berlin district of Steglitz-Zehlendorf. He also posted one of the three sponsorship certificates in his story.
From the seventh child in a family, the Federal President can take over the honorary sponsorship. In the case of multiple births, the parents can apply for sponsorship for all children who were born together with the seventh child.
In addition to the certificate, the honorary sponsored children also receive a sponsorship gift of 500 euros. However, he donated this amount of money for his three daughters, Bushido said in his Instagram story.
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It goes to the Schutzengel-Haus Steglitz, which takes care of socially disadvantaged children from lunch to homework help and leisure activities.
The Steglitz-Zehlendorf district office also recognized this. “Mr. Ferchichi is currently overcoming a number of hurdles and is open to the social hardships of children, who often lack access to education, homework help or a hot lunch,” it said in a statement. District Mayor Richter-Kotowski paid her respects to the couple.
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The rapper, whose real name is Anis Mohamed Ferchichi, and his wife have seven children together. Anna-Maria Ferchichi also has a son from her first marriage.