The dispute over exposed breasts on a Berlin water playground made headlines in the summer of 2021, and now the judiciary is dealing with it. On September 14, the Berlin Regional Court is planning an oral hearing on the case, a court spokesman said on request.
With the civil action, the woman concerned demands appropriate compensation under the Anti-Discrimination Act of the State of Berlin (LADG). Her case is probably the most prominent complaint to date based on the law, which has been in existence for a good two years now.
Berlin has thus entered new territory, other countries want to follow suit. The law is intended to protect people from discrimination by the authorities and enable claims for damages against the state of Berlin. According to the responsible ombudsman, around 1000 complaints have been received so far, and 700 cases have been classified as justified under the LADG.
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This includes the “topless” case. The woman concerned sunned herself shirtless in June 2021 on the grounds of the Plansche water playground in Berlin-Treptow. She was then asked by security forces, then by the police, to cover her chest or leave the pool.