30.06.2022, Charlottenburg, Berlin: Martin Klesmann (l-r), Pressesprecher der Senatsverwaltung für Bildung, die Senatorin für Bildung, Astrid-Sabine Busse (SPD), Aziz Bozkurt, Staatssekretär für Jugend, Familie und Schuldigitalisierung, Andreas Steinhauser, von der Firma Infra.run Service GmbH, und Wolf-Dieter Wagner, Leiter der Joan-Miró-Grundschule, sprechen über das Berliner Schulportal. (Zu dpa: «Bilanz nach einem Jahr: Berliner Schulportal entwickelt sich gut») Foto: Lena Lachnit +++ dpa-Bildfunk +++

Around 20,000 of the around 32,000 teachers can now register in the Berlin school portal. This was announced by the Senate Department for Education on Thursday on request. The remaining 12,000 or so have not yet activated their free service devices, without which they are not allowed to use the portal.

In March, the rate of non-users was still around 50 percent. The increased attractiveness has to do with the fact that with the online registration you not only get access to the most important digital learning platforms “Lernraum Berlin” and “It’s Learning”, but also to over 70 apps, such as Education Senator Astrid-Sabine Busse (SPD) highlighted.

Digital policy, regulation, artificial intelligence: the briefing on digitization

These include the digital math books from Bettermarks. When asked why not all teachers are using the offer, it is said that the colleagues have gotten used to their own private devices and are reluctant to make the switch. [If you want all the latest news live on your phone, we recommend our app, which you can download here for Apple and Android devices.]

This could soon change: on July 1st, the site of the old eGovernment@School portal will be shut down. Certificates, forms and handouts can then only be accessed via the school portal.