Vor einem REWE-Markt in Köln wehen Regenbogenflaggen. Die REWE Group pflegt ein Image als toleranter und moderner Arbeitgeber und unterhält dazu ein eigenes LGBTIQ-Netzwerk, das nach Selbstdarstellung jede:n unterstützen soll, sich bei der REWE Group wohlzufühlen. Symbolbild, Themenbild Köln, 24.05.2021 *** Rainbow flags are flying in front of a REWE store in Cologne REWE Group cultivates an image as a tolerant and modern employer and maintains its own LGBTIQ network, which, according to the companys self-portrayal, is intended to support everyone in feeling comfortable at REWE Group Symbolic image, theme image Cologne, 24 05 2021 Foto:xC.xHardtx/xFuturexImage

The deadline for compensation for gay men who were convicted in the post-war period under the criminal law provisions of the time has been extended. Those affected can now submit applications until July 21, 2027, as the Bundestag decided on Friday. The extension of the deadline by five years was included in the draft law to abolish the so-called advertising ban for abortions.

Homosexual men sentenced in the post-war period on the basis of the criminal law paragraphs 175 in the Federal Republic and 151 in the GDR have been rehabilitated and compensated since 2017. Those convicted can apply for compensation, which amounts to 3,000 euros per conviction overturned plus 1,500 euros for each commenced year of imprisonment.

An additional directive has been in effect since March 2019, which also makes it possible for those who have been persecuted to apply for a one-time compensation for the negative impairments – for example a job loss – without a judgement. The application period would have expired on July 22 of this year without the extension that has now taken place.

“We want to continue to make it possible for those affected to assert their justified claims for compensation,” said Justice Minister Marco Buschmann before the Bundestag decision. The minister added: “It is important to me that we continue to keep this path open to those affected. The rule of law owes you that.”