Alexander green: what "father" of the "Scarlet sails" shot his wife

Crime 10/12/19 Alexander green: what “father” of the “Scarlet sails” shot his wife

the Contemporaries of the famous writer Alexander grin, who wrote the favorite youth “Scarlet sails”, called for the eyes of a killer. Moreover, the assurances of the people who killed Greene is somebody, and his own wife.

political reasons

But should not begin with the writer and the victim, whose name was Catherine Bibergal. Catherine was born in exile, which followed her convicted of revolutionary activity followed by father and mother. Maybe it was at that moment above it, and hung some evil rock, through which the greater part of his life she spent serving punishment in different parts of the country.

Bibergal followed in the footsteps of his father and growing up also became a member of the revolutionary movement. For it in 1903 and it was sent to Sevastopol. There in the same year came and Alexander green with a passport in a false name. On someone else because the future writer, too, like Catherine, dreamed of revolution. And in Sevastopol, it was only to engage in propaganda of revolutionary ideas. It is on political grounds, the young people approached.

the Shot

Once Bibergal sent green to the next task of the Committee. However, the job Alexander is not completed, as was immediately arrested. Green could not stand when it is something forced, was short-tempered and sometimes angry. At least so it was written in many of his characteristics. He hated even the slightest restriction of their own freedom. So green decided to escape from prison. Catherine volunteered to help him. She bought a sailboat and generously paid the cab driver. But the escape failed, the young man was overpowered and was thrown into solitary confinement.

She Bibergal, too, did not long remain at liberty. She was arrested and exiled to Arkhangelsk, where she soon fled to Switzerland. But being an ardent Revolutionarily Catherine returned to Russia and continued their political activities.

They met in 1906, when green was finally released. The writer proposed to his sweetheart to be his wife. The period of detention wore him out. Greene was no longer inspired by revolutionary slogans. Apparently, he wanted just one – family rest. But Catherine refused him. Then green took from his pocket the ladies ‘ gun and shot the woman right in the chest.

never again

Bebergal explained his “no” is quite simple. Like, she’s not going away and will continue the revolutionary struggle. However, according to some relatives of the writer, such a desperate step, it pushed not so much a failure Bibergal how many rumours of her cohabitation during the period of reference with one of the prisoners.

Bibergal died. The bullet missed vital organs. Catherine was successfully operated and she is doing better. She said back to the police, but to see him did not want to.

ironically, in Stalin’s time the former revolutionary Bibergal was accused of counterrevolutionary activities. She was sentenced to 10 years in the camps. In 1959, when he was free, she died. With green they never met. However, if you look closely to the heroines of the works of the writer, then they can easily find out his former lover that he once almost killed.

Yulia Popova

© Russian Seven

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