Trains have not been running between the main station and BER Airport since Monday morning. The railway writes on its website that the half-hour route should not go back into operation until the morning of August 22nd. The reason for the restrictions is “extensive track and switch renewals in the Grünau area,” said a railway spokesman.
In the coming week, no regional trains on lines 7 and 14 will stop at Terminals 1-2 until Friday, but they will make an additional stop at Terminal 5 (old Schönefeld Airport).
E-mobility, transport policy and future mobility: the briefing on transport and smart mobility. For decision makers
As an alternative to the FEX, Deutsche Bahn recommends the two regions mentioned, which reach the BER from the main station in a similar time of “just over half an hour”. However, passengers must change to S-Bahn or bus at Terminal 5 by Friday next week. In addition, the IC Rostock-Berlin-Dresden stops every two hours at BER Terminal 1-2.
The summer holidays are a good time for Deutsche Bahn to carry out such construction work, as the route utilization in city traffic is lower due to the lack of commuter and school student flows. According to Bahn, the S-Bahn, which probably has to bear the brunt of the canceled trains, “usually has more capacity than usual”. Before starting their journey, travelers should go to bahn.de, the VBB app Bus
In the meantime, BER has drawn a positive balance of air travel so far during the summer holidays: Operations Manager and CEO Thomas Hoff Anderson is quoted as saying “stable processes” on the airport’s Twitter account. On average, 66,000 passengers would be handled every day, a spokesman added when asked. On the first Friday of the holiday there were over 80,000. Around 190,000 passengers were registered from Friday to Sunday last weekend. As a rule of thumb, BER recommends travelers to be at the airport about two and a half hours before departure.