After the violent death of a Hertha BSC fan, a suspect was arrested in Rostock on Wednesday. 55-year-old Michael R. died in a hospital in June after someone knocked him out after the relegation game against HSV on May 19.
Now a 24-year-old has been caught who is said to be responsible for the death of the Hertha fan, the police said. He is said to have hit Michael R. “so hard in the face with his fist that he fell to the ground unchecked and hit the back of his head on the asphalt,” it said.
500 meters behind the Olympic Stadium, at the corner of Rominter Allee and Olympische Straße, Michael R. got into an argument with a driver, as the Tagesspiegel learned in June. The black BMW station wagon had a Rostock license plate. Michael R. then went on, but the passenger of the car got out and struck.
According to witnesses, the perpetrator wore a shirt with a club logo from FC Hansa Rostock. He is said to have fled on foot after the fact, the BMW driver drove away.
The victim suffered severe traumatic brain injury and died in hospital about a month later. The experts in a neurological specialist clinic could no longer save him.