07.07.2022, Bayern, Fuchsmühle: Zwei beschädigte Autos stehen am Unfallort auf einer Staatsstraße bei Fuchsmühle, einem Ortsteil des Marktes Hohenfels im Landkreis Neumarkt in der Oberpfalz. Ein 20-Jähriger war am Donnerstagabend mit seinem Auto in eine Personengruppe am Fahrbahnrand gefahren. Dabei war ein 36 Jahre alter Mann getötet worden. Eine 25-jährige Frau und ein 40-jähriger Mann kamen mit dem Rettungshubschrauber in die Klinik. Foto: Haubner/vifogra/dpa +++ dpa-Bildfunk +++

After the fatal accident in Hohenfels in Upper Palatinate with one dead and several injured, investigations into the cause of the accident continue.

On Thursday evening, a 20-year-old drove his car into a group of people on the side of the road on a street near Fuchsmühle. A 36-year-old man was killed. In addition, a 25-year-old woman and a 40-year-old man were seriously injured and taken to Regensburg clinics by rescue helicopter, the police said.

The two men and the woman were standing on a gravel bay on the side of the road next to a parked pickup truck on Thursday evening. According to police information on Friday, the three were probably on their way to climbing. The Hohenfels region is known for its many climbing and bouldering opportunities.