dpatopbilder - 28.06.2022, Brandenburg, Brandenburg/Havel: Der Angeklagte kommt zur Urteilsverkündung ins Landgericht Neuruppin. Der 101-jährige Mann ist wegen Beihilfe zum Mord an Tausenden Häftlingen im Konzentrationslager Sachsenhausen zu fünf Jahren Haft verurteilt worden. Der Mann hatte in dem Prozess vor dem Landgericht Neuruppin bis zuletzt bestritten, in dem KZ Wachmann gewesen zu sein. Der Prozess wird aus organisatorischen Gründen am Wohnort des Angeklagten in Brandenburg/Havel und nicht in Neuruppin geführt. Foto: Fabian Sommer/dpa +++ dpa-Bildfunk +++

A former guard at the Sachsenhausen concentration camp has appealed the sentence after being sentenced to five years in prison. The Neuruppin district court confirmed this on Monday on request.

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The 101-year-old Josef S. had one month after the written judgment was served to justify his appeal, court spokeswoman Iris le Claire said on request. Then the Federal Court of Justice (BGH) would have to decide on the revision. The criminal chamber has until September 27 to draft the written judgment.

The First Criminal Court sentenced the elderly defendant to five years in prison last Tuesday for being an accessory to the murder of more than 3,500 camp inmates. During the trial, the 101-year-old stubbornly denied ever having worked in the concentration camp. Instead, he claims to have worked as a farm hand.

The court did not classify this statement as credible on the basis of numerous documents with the personal data of the accused, which indicated that he worked as an SS guard in the concentration camp.