What countries were helping the Finns in the war against the Soviet Union

History 12/02/20 What countries were helping the Finns in the war against the USSR

When the 30 November 1939 the Soviet Union without declaring war, took military action against the Republic of Finland, the world was plunged into a bloody quagmire of the Second world war. Therefore, the attitude towards the actions of the Soviet Union was not unique.

the Military action of the Soviet Union were not contrary to the secret protocols to the Pact and non-aggression Pact and Treaty of friendship and border between USSR and Germany concluded respectively on 23 August and 28 September 1939. According to them, the Soviet Union had a free hand East of the demarcation line between the two powers, therefore, and in Finland. The Soviet Union supplied Germany with strategic raw materials necessary for the conduct of the war. In addition, the USSR condemned the actions of England and France, unleashed, in his opinion, the Second world war, and provided in the diplomatic field support of Nazi Germany. In turn, the Third Reich took in relation to the actions of the USSR loyal position.

by Nazi ruling circles, this tactic was only temporary. They would have been against the establishment of Soviet control over the whole Finland. In 1918 the Kaiser’s Germany had provided assistance to Finland to fight the Bolsheviks, and it is remembered well in both countries. To prevent the complete defeat of Finland, the Nazi leadership had provided covert military assistance to Finland. So, there were secretly sent a party of captured Polish weapons. In addition, in December of 1939, Germany had concluded with Sweden a secret Treaty, by which Germany pledged to supply free of charge Sweden as many units of equivalent weapons, as Sweden put Finland. German diplomacy prompted the Finns to concessions during peace negotiations with the Soviet Union, instilling a hope that in the near future Finland with Germany will reward myself for the loss.

Open and there was sharp reaction to the actions of the USSR fought pageAnahita the West and in most neutral countries. Many of them have provided Finland with weapons and volunteers. In England and France, this war was seen as an extension of theatre of the Second world war, because the Soviet Union was in friendly relations with Nazi Germany. France was the first to record of volunteers to the aid of Finland. Britain and France pledged to deliver Finland a fairly large batch of weapons. In the Soviet sources are referred to as very large numbers. Such supply could arm a good European army. In reality, the end of the war in Finland had to come from Western countries, a small number of weapons and military equipment. Among them – 30 bombers and 10 fighters (from the promised 100 aircraft) and 70 anti-tank guns from England. 36 fighters (of the promised 179) arrived from France after the end of hostilities. Arrived in Finland from the Western countries, the number of artillery pieces, ammunition for them, grenades, mines, machine guns, etc. was also very far from the promised numbers.

Sweden has considered the defence of Finland as vitally important. The Swedish volunteer corps consisted of 8400 people. In addition, Sweden was delivered to Finland 130 thousand rifles and 330 guns. By a small number of weapons and volunteers came also from Italy, Hungary (the allies while Germany did not participate in the Second world war), Denmark, Norway, Estonia and the USA. Only in the Finnish army against the red army fought approximately 11.5 thousand foreign volunteers, but very few were military personnel. Thus, foreign military aid to Finland during the “winter war” should be assessed as symbolic, although its very presence certainly played a role in lifting the morale of the Finnish soldiers and of the population.

This assistance could be more substantial, extend the war longer. The Committee of chiefs of staffs of armed forces of great Britain and France considered the various options open to military actionaction against the Soviet Union. There was, for example, plans to land expeditionary force in Norway, followed by a movement in Northern Finland and the seizure of Murmansk. We also considered the options of bombing the Soviet oil fields in Baku from bases in British and French air force in the middle East (Iraq and Syria) and putting together the anti-Soviet bloc of Balkan States. The war against the Soviet Union was supposed to attract Romania, Turkey, Greece and Yugoslavia. All these projects have remained only in the imagination of their authors. Only the plan to land in Northern Norway has been continued in the new environment in April-June 1940 it was used by the Western powers against Germany and completely failed.

3 Dec 1939 Finland was put before the League of Nations the question of the condemnation of the Soviet Union as the aggressor. Before that, on November 28 the USSR denounced the non-aggression Pact with Finland, and on December 1 announced the creation in Terijoki (now Zelenogorsk) government “Finnish democratic Republic” (FDR), which on 2 December signed a “Treaty of friendship and mutual assistance.” December 4 the people’s Commissar of foreign Affairs V. M. Molotov on the request of the Secretary-General of the League of Nations about why the Soviet Union is waging an undeclared war against Finland, said that the Soviet Union is a friendly otnosheniyah with FDR, and at her request “eliminates the hotbed of war created by the former rulers of Finland”. The lies of the Soviet press that the bourgeois government of Finland fled from Helsinki to unknown destination, Soviet diplomacy was repeated in their official statements.

14 Dec 1939 in Geneva was convened by the twentieth General Assembly of the League of Nations. At the initiative of the representative of Argentina was considered and overwhelmingly passed a resolution in which the Council of the League of Nations was requested to examine the issue of the exclusion of the USSR from this international organization on the grounds that he unleashed and leads a war of aggression. A great influence on the participants of the meeting had footage of the effects of carpet bbombardirovki Helsinki Soviet aircraft. On the same day, the Council of the League of Nations took the decision to exclude the USSR from the League. On 16 December, the Soviet Union issued a statement in which he accused the League of Nations that it is Britain and France that the decision to exclude the USSR was made in violation of the Charter of the organization and expressed satisfaction that now the Soviet Union “a free hand”.

Interestingly, six countries – Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Switzerland, Bulgaria, and China – abstained from voting at the General Assembly. Germany, Japan and Italy were no longer the members of the League of Nations, and the United States never was. However, the United States joined a chorus of condemnation of Soviet aggression, imposing an embargo on exports to the USSR of certain products. Created at the initiative of former U.S. President Herbert Hoover “the assistance Fund of Finland” has gathered donations for a ridiculous amount of two million dollars.

Yaroslav Butakov

© Russian Seven

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