24.06.2022, Russland, St. Petersburg: Das Frachtschiff «Cholmogori» liegt im Hafen vor Anker. Das Schiff wird den Frachttransport zwischen St. Petersburg und der russischen Ostsee-Exklave Kaliningrad aufnehmen, nachdem Litauen im Zuge der Sanktionen der Europäischen Union gegen Russland Beschränkungen für den Frachttransit dorthin eingeführt hat. Foto: Dmitri Lovetsky/AP/dpa +++ dpa-Bildfunk +++

Moscow is now contesting the legality of the Lithuanian border because of the restriction on transit to the Russian Baltic Sea exclave of Kaliningrad between Lithuania and Poland. “Basically, Lithuania has questioned its own borders,” said the head of the Russian space agency Roskosmos, Dmitry Rogozin, on state television on Saturday.

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Unimpeded transit is a condition for Russia to recognize the borders of the former Soviet Republic of Lithuania. “Lithuania shot itself not only in the leg, but in the head.”

A week ago, today’s EU country stopped the transit of goods that are on the EU’s sanctions list. According to Kaliningrad Governor Anton Alikhanov, 40 to 50 percent of transit between core Russia and Kaliningrad will be affected.

Among other things, no cement, building materials or metals can now be brought overland to the Russian Baltic Sea region. Russian officials had therefore already announced countermeasures. Thus, the exclusion of Lithuania from the common power grid was proposed.