The building was constructed in 1900 the Danish-lighthouse of Rubjerg Knude, is rescued after the structure is approximately 80 ft inland, is to be moved. A very clever piece of engineering: the 23-meter-meter-high lighthouse, which is today a hydraulically lifted on the rails and placed at its new location, and cozy. The engineers klaarden the job done under massive media attention in a matter of hours.

as The nearly 120-year-old lighthouse, is in Hjørring, in the northern Danish region of Northern Jutland, are threatened by coastal erosion, in sea-to-landfill. It was soon apparent after the start-up. The dunes are the names of the garden and the sea, and came every year to the two meters closer to you. It was originally a tower, at 200 meters from the sea. That had shrunk to a mere six yards.

The Rubjerg Knude has been around since 1968 and is not a lighthouse any more, the building served as a museum until 2002. The initiators of the project had to be in that year, the doors are closed, because the sea is closer, kept coming. However, the tower is on a giant sand dune is a major tourist attraction. Every year, at least 250,000 more tourists to visit the building come down. The erosieklok so, until further. The action had to be done. If not, the building is to be dismantled after a few years in the sea, it would disappear.

The Danes want to keep their iconic lighthouse is not lost, and are willing to pay for it. The verhuiswerkzaamheden cost at least 5 million Danish Kroner (almost 670.000 euros. It took two and a half months preparing in advance.

all The engineers and workers moved to the tower to twelve feet per hour. Their work had an unexpected piece of good luck: the tower turned out to be lighter than at first thought. The Rujberg Knude was not in 1 000 tonnes, but the 722 ton of weight. If the coastal erosion continues at the present rate of progress, it will be in the tower for forty years, will have to be moved. About 25,000 of the passers-by came in today to take a look at the work.