History 22/02/20 “Seventeen moments of spring”: the main historical mistake of this movie

the Serial film “Seventeen moments of spring” to discuss easy, as it is difficult to find a person (excluding youth) who would have not watched it, and most of the representatives of the Soviet generation know it almost by heart.

the love of the audience was caused not only a great game great actors and subtle humor inherent in literature-based, written by Julian Semyonov. The audience for the film, though unconscious, was attracted by the fact that the Germans were shown here not as a caricature as in other Soviet films.

Another feature of the “Seventeen moments of spring” is that there are not so many bloopers when glued filmed on different days of the scene, and the characters they dressed and combed in different ways.

But there are still many inconsistencies (some made deliberately), learning that you can extract a lot of useful information.

for Example, all scenes in which Stirlitz, Muller, and other smoke in the office could not happen in reality. In the Third Reich pursued a policy of active struggle against Smoking, and it was the first state tobacco control program in recent history.

In Germany it is forbidden to smoke in trams, buses and trains, are severely limited Smoking in restaurants and cafes. It was forbidden to smoke at work, postal workers and doctors. Actively struggled with Smoking among women, tobacco, cards issued to pregnant women, women younger than 18 and older than 66 years. Smokers, women were expelled from the party. From 1943, all persons under the age of 18 were prohibited from Smoking in public places. In schools, Smoking was strictly prohibited. Was not allowed to smoke in the shelters, but there was allocated a separate room for this. Were restricted tobacco advertising, and conducted an active propaganda of a healthy lifestyle.

Since 1939, the Nazi party bansludge Smoking at all its facilities. Himmler’s personal orders forbade SS officers and police officers to smoke in working time.

in 1938, it was forbidden to smoke the officers of the Luftwaffe, not only on duty but even at home. That was seriously violated by their leader: Reichsmarschall Goering ever smoked in public, and even the monument erected to him during his lifetime, he was portrayed with a cigarette.

Since 1939 all soldiers and officers of the Wehrmacht were forbidden to smoke on the streets. That, however, was common in other countries. For example, in the Russian Imperial army officer to smoke on the street was the equivalent to will appear without pants.

it is Interesting that Adolf Hitler himself in his youth was a heavy smoker, but later became the first state leader who began the struggle against Smoking.

the Cause of tobacco control was not only caring for the health of the nation, but purely Nazi: racism and anti-Semitism. Not by chance the program of anti-Smoking was the head of the Office for racial policy of the NSDAP. The Nazis claimed that the craving for tobacco was grafted to white people inferior races.

as for cute esesovtsy Barbara krain, she could not have the rank of unterscharführer SS. Because the SS was an organization of “perfect racially men,” so women there could not be, by definition. In the real world Barbara krain’d just called krishantering SS (SS – Kriegshelferinnen), that is, an employee of the women’s auxiliary units of the SS. The form, however, it would be similar to the shape of the SS, only a little easier, and with the proviso that in some form she would be a light gray. That the SS did not wear a 1934 black uniforms already wrote repeatedly.

the characteristics of the leaders of the Third Reich says that none of them had higher education, but it is not. Goebbels was not simply higher education, but was a doctor of philosophy, University of Heidelberg, defended the desserttion about drama. Himmler had economic education at the Polytechnic Institute of Munich. Goering was the best graduate of the Military Academy in Karlsruhe.

by the Way, when Stirlitz considering information about Goebbels, Bormann, Goering and Himmler, he draws their portraits, or rather caricatures. It is easy to see that the drawing is done in marker. The pen was indeed invented in Germany, but only in 1960.

Another “greetings from the future” is a listening Stirlitz (when he carries the pastor, Slugga to the Swiss border) songs of Edith Piaf “Milord” and “I regret nothing”. The first song written in 1959, the second in 1957. In the aquarium Mueller floating marble gourami, which the American breeder Cosby began to withdraw in 1948, and as a new breed they were registered in 1956.

But when in the last episode of the sending of Bern telegrams, calls the city of destination, Constantinople, the chances that they will go to the address, and especially in the Center, no. Because Constantinople in 1930 was officially renamed to Istanbul.

With the geography, there are other inaccuracies.

Regular meetings Mueller and Schellenberg and Stirlitz, and other employees of the Gestapo and the SD in the corridors look at least strange. The Gestapo building was located at Prince albrechtstrasse, Schellenberg and Stirlitz sat on Bergerstrasse. It’s not there, it’s not one hour to reach. Though traffic was not in Berlin, but traveled in those days at all different speeds

And as for kat, the Gestapo, came to her hospital under the guise of an insurance agent, had to crack it immediately. The question is, where was concluded the insurance, kat says: “On the corner of kurfürstendamm and Kantstrasse”. However, any citizen of Berlin knows that these streets though are close, but not exactly intersect.

similarly, kat and Stirlitz easily exposed on the border, whether the border guards a little more closely. Germans wear weddinge ring on the left hand, not the right. However, apart from this, the Soviet spies are all employees of the SD and the Gestapo, as the ring they all wear “Soviet-style”, that is, on the right hand.

Another problem time is in the beginning of the film, where Kaltenbrunner scolding Kruger for the failure of the operation to destroy Krakow. Interestingly, playing Kruger Evgeny Kuznetsov starred in the role of Kruger in the film “Major Whirlwind”, which tells about an operation in Krakow. However, in the biography of Frederick Kruger is easy to read that he, with the rank of SS-obergruppenführer was the head of police and SS in the Generalgouvernement (i.e. Poland) on October 4, 1939. And from 9 November 1943 Kruger was sent to the army, commanded a mountain division of the SS “Nord”, and then the case in Finland, fought with the Yugoslav partisans. In Poland, he no longer appeared.

Some scholars of German history of those times and found another inconsistency. The fact that müller and Stirlitz on the right sleeve of the uniform, there is a special patch, the so-called “angle”. This is a distinctive sign of those members of the NSDAP who joined the party before it came to power in 1933. Stirlitz, as a member of the party since 1933, was entitled to a patch. Muller is (not the one Armor) in the time, actively fought with the Nazis and joined the party in 1939. But in fact was a special order of the Reichsfuhrer-SS in which Mueller was permitted as a special honor to wear the “angle”.

Cyril Shishkin

© Russian Seven

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