Recessed really to Stepan Razin, the Persian Princess

History 31/12/19 Recessed really to Stepan Razin, the Persian Princess

One of the most striking things related to the biography of Stepan Razin, for his relations with the Persian Princess. About it are composed numerous songs, poems, stories, paintings. Everywhere in these sources Razin acts as a cruel and heartless man willing to sacrifice everything on the way to their goal. Of course, the authorities of that time be ambiguous, and even rather negative image of Razin was on hand, since different segments of the population Stepan were a lot of defenders and sympathizers.

it was so: in one of his Persian campaigns Stepan captured Princess, a beautiful girl. She impressed him so much that he decided to marry her and have the wedding all the rules. However, the team and associates accused his chieftain that he gave his freemen and his vows for personal happiness. Wanting to prove to them that it is not, Stepan was ordered to throw the Princess into the water and continue to feast, now the glory of the old free life.

this story is the author. For the first time in Russia it is learned from the translations of the book of Jan Streisa “Three memorable… travel” (1880, translated by S. Yurchenko). Some Russian scientists and prominent figures used to read it in the late 17th century in origin, including, by the way, was Peter the great who ordered to make the transfer. In the book, in particular, has these words: “…Being drunk, he (Razin) leaned on the side of the boat and looking thoughtfully on the Volga river, cried: “I owe you everything I have, and even what I’ve become. You are the father and the mother of my honor and glory. I still brought nothing to sacrifice to you.” He grabbed the Princess, razdetoy in pearls and precious stones, dressed in gold brocade, and threw it into the water. And she was beautiful and noble girl, but his a captive of fear for loved. And all were pleased…”

However, Russian historians, even those who in his works, has always defended the monarchy and the extremely negative attitude to the personality of the rebel Stepan Razin, about this glaring fact in the life of a chieftain did not report in their sources, carefully avoiding a theme party, or mentioning it casually, clarifying the legend.

Another interesting fact “investigate the crime” Razin against the Princess. In the mid-20th century history is interested the Minister of foreign Affairs of the USSR AA Gromyko. Before the talks with representatives of Iran, he instructed his Department to verify whether or not interfere in an important meeting and its results “dark pages of the past”. By order of the party, the security services have conducted a thorough historical research which showed that the chieftain and his army never took prisoner no matter how noble and important the Persians (S. Mazurkiewicz, “Stepan Razin and Persian Princess”).

Also doubts about the authenticity of calls and archetypicalness the event itself – the bringing of the sacred victim. This is the main theme of folklore works in almost any nation. Interestingly, in some legends of the Volga region peoples the legend of Princess States that it was in fact Russian “prophetic virgin,” Solomonid (or Solomon). Which in the Volga water are not drowned, and became the mistress of the underwater Kingdom and actively helped Razin and his Cossacks (P. I. Melnikov-Pechersky “In the woods”).

Another inaccuracy, which does not allow to consider the evidence of contemporaries-“eyewitnesses” true — specifying different rivers in their “memories.” So, Fabricius’s — Yaik (Ural), Stresa — Volga, but someone Artemy, contemporary Razin, calls the place of drowning “chieftain of polubowny” Left Carranco — tributary of the Volga. Given the descriptions of the interrogations chieftain, preserved in historical museums and archives, his personality can be called contradictory and ambiguous. But maniac drown three girls in three different rivers, he certainly was not.

Russian Seven

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