The village of Houthalen-Helchteren Centre, Casino, in the village of Houthalen does not serve alcohol and offers only halal food in the community restaurant. “A service station for a particular group, I do not understand”, says opposition party, the NEIGHBOR. “At last, we reach a group of people who are barely in the house and came out,” said social welfare office (OCMW-president Göksal Kanli (CD&V).

The new service center will be at Meulenberg in the village of Houthalen, this week’s second activity. Last week, thirty entries, this week, sixty, and even a breakfast with a hundred and fifty people present. Center of Casino is meant for the people of Meulenberg, the elderly, the infirm, or anyone.

it’s a real thorn in the side for the opposition party, the NEIGHBOR’s menu: no alcohol, and only halalmaaltijden.“It is clear to us that such a one-sided approach that is contrary to any form of progressive change, foetert leader Stijn Van Dingenen. “If we are in the way of diversity and abandoned, and to support the exclusive focus on particular groups, perspectives, or beliefs, it is the end of a harmonious society in sight.”