Mikhail Tukhachevsky: what was wrong with the order of the

History 29/12/19 Mikhail Tukhachevsky: what was wrong with the order of the “red Bonaparte”

In his autobiography, in 1918, Mikhail Nikolayevich Tukhachevsky was mentioned that during the First World war he was awarded five orders. If you count, it turns out that the warlord was getting one order a month. These awards are still a matter of dispute between historians. However, researchers alarming is not the frequency of their receipt.

the Weirdness during the First World war

during the First World war in the biography of Mikhail Nikolayevich Tukhachevsky is not only the rise of his career, but many controversial, and sometimes mysterious scenes. Before the war, Tukhachevsky managed to graduate from Aleksandrovskoe school, after which he was promoted to second Lieutenant of Lejb-guards of the Semenovsky regiment prestigious. However, Tukhachevsky had been on the front for a few months. According to J. V. Rubtsov, author of “Marshal Stalin”, in 1915, Mikhail was captured. From captivity Tukhachevsky allegedly tried to escape not once, but only the fifth attempt was successful. He later returned home, for some reason, pausing for a month in Switzerland.

it is Noteworthy that in captivity Mikhail Tukhachevsky was without a scratch. Why did the brave commander did not resist the enemy? That courage Tukhachevsky was not to occupy, no doubt many historians. No wonder he managed to “earn” five orders of just six months, nearly one order for the month. All these awards Tukhachevsky and mentioned in his autobiography, 1918. At least so says Elena Prudnikova, in his book “the Rise and fall of the “red Bonaparte””. However, enough and five awards to among experts there was a fierce controversy.

Broken the sequence of

According to Valentin Ivanov, the author of the book “Marshal M. N. Tukhachevsky” his combat path Mikhail Tukhachevsky started with feat. Together with the company commander by the name of Veselago he led the soldiers to attack the Austrians. The enemies retreated, but finally burned the bridge across the river San. Then the captains drew the guards behind him, after crossing the burning bridge to the opposite shore. Semenovsky came back with a victory, with trophies and prisoners. It is for this fight Veselago received the order of St. George 4-th degree, and Mikhail Tukhachevsky, according to Ivanov, was awarded the order of Vladimir 4-th degree with swords and bow.

Subsequently, the Tukhachevsky scored again and again, “earning” four order of St. Anne 2nd degree with swords, St. Anna 3rd degree with swords and bow, St. Anna 4-th degree with the inscription “For bravery” and St. Stanislaus 3rd class with swords and bow. However, Herman Smirnov, the author of the book “”the military” 1937″, said that if the first award Mikhail Nikolayevich was indeed the order of Vladimir 4-th degree, then the rest of the order he simply wasn’t supposed to. The fact that the order of Vladimir 4-th degree was the eldest of these, and the youngest according to the attitude awards, as a rule, were not allowed (except for Anne’s 4-th degree).

Documents from the archives

meanwhile, renowned historian Julia Kantor, the author of the book “War and peace of Mikhail Tukhachevsky,” was one of the few experts who tried to find out the truth about the orders of the commander, turning to the documents. According to Kantor, the Russian military-historical archive has a track record of Mikhail Tukhachevsky, according to which he in fact was the owner of all mentioned by the Marshal awards. Moreover, Cantor found that Tukhachevsky was presented to the sixth order of St. Stanislaus 2 nd degree, but the corresponding premium list archive is missing. However, Tukhachevsky about the award in his autobiography, and not specified.

it is Noteworthy that Alexander Bushkov in his book “Stalin. Frozen throne” says that Mikhail Tukhachevsky xhave vastal not five, namely six orders received during the First World war. However, according to Bushkova, Tukhachevsky had only two of the six awards: the order of Vladimir 4-th degree with swords and the order of St. Anna 4-th degree. It is worth noting that Alexander Bushkov, as Julia Kantor, refers in his work on archival documents. Approval Bushkova, in the archives of the Semenov regiment, which served Tukhachevsky, there is information about only two awards of the Marshal.

Yulia Popova

© Russian Seven

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