Killers of the family of Nicholas II: what happened in the USSR

History 21/02/20 Murderers of the family of Nicholas II: what happened in the USSR

on 17 July 1918 in Yekaterinburg the “Ipatiev house” was shot last Russian Emperor Nicholas II and his family. Adopted today, the official version is known, only five direct participants of this event. Supervised the entire event Yakov Yurovsky, a few days before the shooting, he was appointed commandant of the house, which contained the Royal family. Helped him Grigory Nikulin and Mikhail Medvedev-Kudrin from the regional Cheka, the military Commissar Peter Ermakov and nokrani whole house Pavel Medvedev.

the position of Yakov Yurovsky

an American Harvard University Professor of Polish origin, Richard pipes talking about Yurovsky noted that he was: “before very honest in handling public property, infinitely cruel and quite insightful”.

Perhaps it is these qualities after the execution of the Royal family helped him to occupy high enough posts. When Ekaterinburg fell under the power of “white”, Yurovsky went to Moscow, where he first became a member of the Moscow Cheka, and then was appointed head of the regional Emergency Commission.

After Ekaterinburg returned to the Bolsheviks, Jurowski became the head of the Ural Cheka province. Interestingly, at that time he lived almost opposite the former “house of special regime”, while in the 21st year he was not sent to work Gokhran, which by that time was put all the jewels confiscated from the emigrants, and seized gold and platinum. The objective of Yakov Yurovsky was to get values in “liquid state.”

he Then became Chairman of the trade Department with the monetary authority of the people’s Commissariat. In the 1923-1928 years Yurovsky was the Deputy Director of the factory “Red hero”, and then Director of the Museum. I just retired in 1933.

Then he was pursued by misfortune in 1935 arrested the daughter Rimma and sent to 1946 in Karaganda camp.

against the background of experiences from Jurowski aggravated stomach ulcers, and in 1938, he died in the Kremlin hospital, without leaving direct descendants. Granddaughter died in infancy, and grandchildren in the accident: one died in the fire, and the other poisoned, and the third crashed off the barn, one committed suicide, and a favorite of the grandfather was found dead in his car.

the Career of Grigory Nikulin

an employee of the regional KGB Grigory Nikulin until the last moment did not know that he will be involved in the shooting. Two days before his leave is cut out for Prince whistle out of wood and taught him to play “In the garden, in the garden.”

After the tragic events Nikulin almost immediately left Yekaterinburg with a special mission: from the Ipatiev house that he took all the Royal property in Perm. Since then, his career began to develop rapidly. Many colleagues did not know about the participation of parents in execution of the Royal family, but he did not advertise it much.

In 1919 he began his work in the administrative Department of the Moscow Soviet: the first was responsible for the detention home of Moscow, and from 1920 to 1922 he became head of the famous Moore’s today. I must say that while Sochi three times reduced the number of robberies in the nine-fold decrease in the number of robberies and the number of murders fell by one-third.

In 1922, Nikulin was transferred to the office of the state insurance, which he managed, and later this “hidden” killer of the Royal family became the Deputy of Panelcontrol in the Moscow region and a member of the Executive Committee. Yes, the early 30’s, he remains head of the Moscow criminal investigation Department until 1935, was not on the then under construction East of the Moscow waterworks, from where he retired in 1956.

Despite the fact that Nikulin not telling everyone about his part in the murder of the Royal family, he still continued to chat with his teacher Jurowski, until he died. In the memoirs of contemporaries remainedXia episode in which the wife Nikulina shows off the big house where even the dog has his own room, before returning to Moscow after the camps Rimma Yurovsky.

Nikulin died in 1965. Apparently he felt death, because the year before, gave an interview to the Soviet radio, in which he told the details of the execution of the Royal family and called the actions of the KGB humane.

Lectures of Peter Ermakov

unlike Nikulin, Ermakov did not hide his involvement in the execution of the Royal family, but even reading about this lecture and had for that promotion from his superiors. In the memories of the guard of the Royal family Strekotin shows exactly Ermakova, as someone who finished off with a bayonet still alive Romanov.

Career Ermakova did not work due to his illiteracy and alcoholism. However, despite this, he, as a member of this important revolutionary events, was trying to find a good place.

at First he worked as an enforcement officer in Omsk, and then in Chelyabinsk and Yekaterinburg. In 1927 he became an inspector of the Ural prison. This profession he was hard and three years later he received a Browning from the party Bureau. In 1931, Ermakov was given the title of honorary drummer and was awarded certificates for completing the five-year plan in three years. In 1935, Nikulin became a member of the Scientific society of the Sverdlovsk regional Museum of the revolution.

the killer is the Royal family lived until 1952, until his death from cancer in the hospital, which was located opposite the Ipatiev house. Preserved memories of old residents of the city who saw him at the end of life in the Church porch: Ermakov begging.

the Death of Pavel Medvedev

This user is shooting only for a year, survived the Royal family. He fled from Ekaterinburg for one day before the “white” set in the city of his power. In 1919 he was captured and questioned by the supporters of Kolchak.

Despite the fact that Medvedev denied involvement in the shooting, Kolchak he was accused of the murder of the Royal family and sent to prison in Ekaterinburg to wait for the investigation. But a month later Medvedev is right in the camera died from typhus.

a Gift of Mikhail Medvedev-Kudrin

Medvedev-Kudrin recalled that it was he who killed the Emperor Nicholas, not waiting until Yurovsky repeat the sentence, nothing understanding of the Romanov family.

About 20 years of his life after the shooting is not known, however, in 1938 he was appointed assistant chief of the 1st branch of the Department Ooopackaging the NKVD of the USSR. In this position, Medvedev-Kudrin was promoted to the rank of Colonel. During the Khrushchev got a pension so before his death bequeathed the head of the Soviet Union, the Browning, from which shot an Imperial family. Not offended Medvedev and Fidel Castro, bequeathing him your gun the gun used during the Civil war.

Olga Ikonnikova

© Russian Seven

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