In Novosibirsk will be a new pharmacy discounter with 10 000 000 of products at incredibly low prices

August 11, at 10:00 on the street Schmidt, 9 will open the first in Novosibirsk overdiscount “Pharmacy for all”. Of Novosibirsk and guests of the city will now have a great opportunity to save money and buy all the necessary medicines in one place. On the day of opening of a drugstore, all customers will receive gifts and will be able to participate in draw of home appliances.*

“Pharmacy for all” has been successfully operating in 2017 in the Krasnoyarsk region, Republic Khakassia and Kemerovo region. “V7” has established itself as the pharmacy of a million selection of medicines and professional experts from whom you can get competent advice. Daily “Pharmacy for all” with more than 3000 customers, and soon the city’s residents will join them.

a large and bright room, “all Pharmacies” are not only drugs but also dietary Supplements, medical cosmetics, vitamins, products for the care of babies and much more.