The Federal Constitutional Court will comment on Thursday on the question of whether specifications for the maximum size of residential property for Hartz IV recipients are unconstitutional. The highest German court in Karlsruhe wants to announce its decision in writing. (Az. 1 BvL 12/20)

It is about the so-called protective assets – i.e. certain allowances for assets that, according to social law, do not have to be used to make a living. The Social Security Code (SGB) II regulates which assets are to be taken into account in the basic security for job seekers. This does not include, among other things, “a house plot of appropriate size that you use yourself or a corresponding condominium”. The social court in Aurich, Lower Saxony, wanted to know from the Federal Constitutional Court whether this regulation is compatible with the Basic Law. For example, families are given special protection in Article 6.