As Zoe Kosmodemyanskaya became acquainted with the writer Arkady Gaidar

History 08/02/20 As Zoe Kosmodemyanskaya became acquainted with the writer Arkady Gaidar

individually, these two well-known in the country’s history shapes familiar to almost everyone: Arkady Gaidar, the famous children’s writer, Zoe Kosmodemyanskaya Hero of the Soviet Union. However, in late 1940, their paths accidentally crossed. Between the writer and the student, which, incidentally, both died a few months after the acquaintance, even friendship ensued.

the Disease as the reason for the meeting

the Meeting Arkady Gaidar and Zoe Kosmodemyanskoy, oddly enough, took place thanks to health problems that had both. As said Vyacheslav Bondarenko, in his book “100 great feats of Russia”, school years Kosmodemyanskaya happy the name was not: during this period, she experienced a nervous breakdown. True or not, but the film Director Leo Arnshtam, who made a film about Kosmodemyanskaya, was deeply convinced that the aforementioned disruption was caused by the Soviet-German Pact in 1939. Everything else soon for her shattered nerves and added another severe meningitis.

the fact that Arkady Gaidar was also not okay with the psyche, write still. However, Dmitry Bykov, author of “USSR – the country that invented Gaydar”, argues that the writer is nothing special, except for painful headaches, did not suffer. These pains were the consequences Gaidar injuries: concussion and spinal injuries. They say the writer was ready to take desperate steps in order to get rid of the pain. Some biographers think that Arkady Petrovich even tried to kill herself. However, the writer’s grandson, Yegor Gaidar said that his grandfather tried only to kill one pain with another.

Meeting in Sokolniki

anyway, in the winter of 1940 Arkady Gaidar in connection with their post-traumatic pain was in a sanatorium in the Moscow suburb of Sokolniki. At the same time, as the author says the book “Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya. Truth against lies,” Viktor Kozhemyako, and came to the grade 9 student of Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya, to restore health after suffering meningitis. According to Kozhemyako, that Kosmodemyanskaya and Gaidar really was rest in a sanatorium, shows a photograph which was made, according to the inscription, November 24, 1940 in Sokolniki. It really captures and Zoe and Arkady Gaidar.

according to Vladimir Uspensky, the author of the publication “Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya”, they met while taking a snow fortress, which was built by Arkady Gaidar. Zoe came to see the entertainment of tourists and saw among them the famous writer. During a conversation with Gaidar Kosmodemyanskaya admitted that immediately recognized novelist, as I read all of his books. Arkady Petrovich, in turn, told her “biography” of all of them cobbled together in the courtyard of the sanatorium snowmen. So between a schoolgirl and a writer struck up a friendship.

the Book unites

According to love Timofeevna Kosmodemyanskaya, mother of Hero of the Soviet Union, which told the story in the pages of his “story of Zoya and Shura”, her daughter immediately found with Arkady Gaidar common language. Together they skated, skied, sang songs. However, most often Kosmodemyanskaya and Gaidar, of course, talked to all sorts of philosophical topics, discussed contemporary literature and works by authors of the past. As claimed Love Timofeevna, upon meeting her Arkady Petrovich praise Zoya, saying that the “great reads Goethe.”

From the book of Anatoliy Kryvoruchko and Vladimir Roshchupkin “Broken arrow Berlin wolf,” we know goodbye to Gaidar gave Kosmodemyanskaya one of his books. On the title page he wrote her a few words from the story “Chuk and GEK” (“Happiness is everyone understands in own way”) and of love for the Soviet Union. Zoe’s mother recalled that her daughter, this gift is very cherished. That’s just enjoy a book Kosmodemyanskaya was destined long. She died roEIT in a year. Gaidar died a month earlier.

Yulia Popova

© Russian Seven

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